More than 1 in 3 Hoosier households cannot afford the basics: housing, food, health care, child care, and transportation, despite working hard. United Ways in Indiana help these struggling working families stay afloat and work toward financial stability.
In Franklin County, 34% of households cannot make ends meet. Of that 34 %, 23 % of households are classified as ALICE: Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. These are hard-working, employed people who earn more than the federal poverty level, but below that basic cost of living. The stark reality for ALICE- population households in our community is that they live just one flat tire, layoff, or medical emergency away from financial tragedy.
Struggling working families and individuals represent a vital part of our local workforce. ALICE-population adults work the jobs that keep our local economy running. The 2018 Indiana ALICE Report finds that even while using conservative estimates, one out of every four employed Hoosier adults cannot afford the basics and despite working, many do not qualify for social service support.
They are our local child care workers, movers, home health aides, store clerks, repair workers, office assistants, and the teachers’ aides. Most importantly, these individuals and families are our neighbors. The entire Franklin County community is affected by the challenges that struggling working households face. As those challenges are minimized, our entire community benefits.
No singular solution will erase the struggles of Indiana’s ALICE population. It will take a committed, coordinated effort and creative community solutions from policymakers, businesses, universities, and human services organizations, working together, to begin tackling the pervasive issues affecting struggling, working Franklin County households. United Way of Franklin County remains committed to fighting for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in the Franklin County community. We invite you to join us in the fight.
Kelly Bulmer
Executive Director
United Way of Franklin County